Trakform Ratings

These are pure time-based ratings derived by a process of comparison of each horse’s runs against a standard (a par time) for each track and distance-adjusted for track variant. Ratings generally fall within the range of 25 - 70 points. Each point equates with 1/10 second, or 0.65 lengths, (but is variable by the distance of race). The GTX program selects a Trakform QR (qualifying run) from what is considered to be the best of (generally) the three most recent runs. If the horse is resuming from a spell the QR is chosen from a previous first-up run. The value stored against this run determines the Base Rating. If default settings are used there are no bonuses or penalties.

Base ratings for horses having their first race start are derived using a formula based on jockey penalty and class value whereby the stronger the Class Value (CV) and the better the jockey, the higher the rating.