The Race Day Auto Selector
The Auto Selector is actually a feature-limited version of TRB’s renowned System Developer. Its limitations are that it is not able to do financial analysis on historical data and also has the powerful ‘Analyze by’ function disabled. Those users who already have the System Developer have no need for the Race Day Auto Selector.
Apart from using the Auto Selector with TRB-supplied systems, users can also enter rules and create systems of their own design, although they will lack the ability to test and refine those systems by using historical racing data.
To run the Systems...
1. Have the meetings you want to check loaded into GTX
2. Open the Auto Selector by either clicking on the Systems icon on the GTX Tool Bar or System Developer on the Menu Bar.
3. Select the relevant system from the drop-down list on the right-hand side. You do not need to click in the checkboxes – these are for creating groups of systems. Simply click on the name of the system to select it, then click the green arrow again to close the list.
The name of the currently selected system always appears in the tile bar of the Race Day Auto Selector window
4. Select the option that says ‘using...loaded races’
5. Click
6. The Auto Selector will scan the loaded races and any selections will appear in the Selections pane. If you right-click in the Selections pane and then select ‘Print Selections’ a text file of the selections will open. You can print the selections from this text file, or save it and then open it in another program such as MS Excel.